Millet Recipes
Millet recipes are the recipes prepared using millet. Millets are small grains that are rich in fiber and a healthier alternative to rice.
They also have low glycemic index that keeps you full for a longer time. All the recipes that we prepare using rice comes well in millets too. We have a huge collection here starting from biryani, Kheer , Pongal and many more
Kodo Millet Dosa | Varagu arisi dosa
Millet Ghee Rice | Millet Nei Choru
Little Millet Rose Kheer
Millets Porridge, No Sugar Millet Flakes Porridge
Millet Poha Ladoo | Quick Millet Aval Ladoo
Ragi Buttermilk ( Ragi Ambli )
Ragi Flakes Granola (Ragi Muesli)
Foxtail Millet Idli Dosa
Little Millet Pongal Recipe | Samai Pongal
Ragi Malt ( Finger Millet Sweet Porridge )